Five adjectives that describe this ad are colorful,festive,alive,cool, and fun. Yes ,people are depicted in the ad,  and both genders are represented equally. The people look like highschool students and are dressed in 70's fashion. They all look like they are are having fun, since they are all at the party. Everyone is put all over the frame so we can get an overall picture, but the main character portrayed is Katy Perry. The camera is always moving since there is quite a lot of movement at this party. The lighting seems artificial, since the scences are inside the house and outside in the backyard. The whole video is in bright colors, which make all the viewers think it is a happy, fun place. Katy Perry is always singing, Last Friday Night. The song is about what happened on her last friday night. In this music video, Katy Perry is portrayed as a geek who is at home doing a suduko puzzle during a friday night. There is a huge party going on next door. She decides to go see what is going on. She is greeted by a prettier girl, Rebbeca Black. When she goes inside, she sees all the cool kids. The hot guy passes her by, but he dosen't pay attetion to her. Instead he goes to the prettier girl. Rebbeca Black takes her upstairs and gives her a makeover. When she comes downstairs, the hot guy then notices her. After this she is popular,  and everyone likes her and she has a great time.

            Looking at this video, you don't really notice the message they are trying to envoke. If you see it or not, this video is about body image. Katy Perry has to change how she looks in order for others to like her. This video is teaching yooung teens that it is ok to change how they look, because that way people will like them better. This video also shows peer presure in the fact that her friend, Rebbecca Black, changed her look. It wasn't Katy Perry's idea, but she went with her friends opinion. Because everyone looks a certain way at the party, Katy Perry feels the pressure about changing her look. Of course, once she had her makeover everything was fine, but that doesn't always happen to everyone who does this. Yes, the video shows mostly girls, but they also sneak in guy's body image. Katy Perry is attracted to the football player with the six pack, which he shows off. However she is not attracted to the geeky guy in the corner, which makes the assumption that girls like fit guys.

           The video creates many consequences in the mind of teens. Teens think that it is ok for them to change their body image in order for people to like them. This video inforces the idea, that teenagers are not and should not be ok with the way they look. It creates the doubt in our mind that we are not good looking enough, and the only way to change that is to change ourselves. This video creates unrealistic expectations for us teens. After looking at this video we might want to change the way we look, but will people certaintly like us afterwards. Sometimes, when people change the way they look, they don't always get the results they expected. This video just reinforces the idea that changing yourself will always be good, but will it?

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