When looking at this ad I think of pretty,thin,cool,good, and fit. There are multiple people being depicted in the ad. There is also a variety of races and ages. They look to be at a hotel and are by the pool, that is why everyone is in their bathing suits. The main character is a tall slender girl, who looks to be 20-22. She is wearng a light blue bathing suit with pictures of little burgers on it. She is Miss Turkey, and is eating Carl's Jr new turkey burger, while strolling by the pool side. The camera is below the subject but also at eye level so that we could get a view of her surronding but also of the turkey burger. Since she is outside, I assume that there is natural lighting, but there also seems to be some artificial lighting. The colors in this ad are not very bright. They put Miss Turkey in a red dress so that we can spot her fisrt, and then in a bright blue bikini so we can also distinguish her after she takes the dress off. At the end of the commercial, there is the Carl's Jr logo and their advetised turkey burger.

         The purpose of this ad is to sell the new Turkey Burger. It is advertised for mostly teens to adults, because they have the money to pay for the burger.Carl's Jr advertisies this burger in a very smart way. For their female audience, they choose to use a slender, tall, beautiful model so they can image and want to be like her. She is Miss Turkey,wearing a crown and sash, so we associate it will Miss United States, a beauty pagent winner, etc. So we know that she has been crowned beautiful. Females want to be like her. For the male audience, they also choose the tall, slender, beautiful model to be eating their burger. Males are attracted to the model, and they then associate the model with the turkey burger. Here they create a connection. Beautiful model and a turkey. Even in the beginning of the commercial they state "To help you remember our delicious new broiled turkey burger, we hired Miss Turkey." Without clearly stating it, they drive the message home.

          Even though the assumptions might seem silly, people really do believe them. For women it is eat Carl's Jr burger and you'll have the attetion that Miss Tukey had. You'll be able to look like her and act like her and everyone will love you. For the men, the assumption is that buying a turkey burger will also get you a Miss Turkey. Or they will look for a Miss Turkey on thier own. It really isn't about the turkey burger, but more about the model.

         The fact that a model that thin is eating a burger is unreal. How can we mange to eat burgers and still look like this? Teens are attracted to this image and girls want to look jsut like that. Of course, Miss Turkey isn't overweight, but that's were she will go with all those burgers she is eating. They picked a slender model, and thats really all girls see. The need to be thin and beautiful.  For the guys no Turkey Burger will ever come with a Miss Turkey. This ad creates unrealistic expectations for teens today.

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