This ad looks fun,pretty,girly,colorful, and happy. There are five girls depicted in the ad. They look young, between seventeen and nineteen . They are a variety of races,white, black, and asian. They look stylish, young, and happy. This shot was taken from a low angle, so we would be able to take in the scence. The lighting looks natural, with no shawdows. The background is white, so that our eye is drawn to the girls first, because of the sharp contrast. There is text in the ad, it is medium sized and in pink and black letters. There is also a circle with small black text in the corner and squares also with text, under each girl. The main text states, your little black dress, and a description below. The circle advertises the clothing, which is a seventeen Macy's exclusive. The squares with text say, classic, edgy, glam, girly, and flirty, also with another description.

         The purpose of this ad is to sell Macy's dresses, which were created just for this ad in seventeen magazine. We get a sense of relationship between the two brands. I do find the products appealing, since I am who this ad is being targeted to. I like the dresses and the way they are being styled. This ad is being targeted to teenagers and very young adults, even though ounger girls are now picking up the magazine. I feel that if I wear this clothes, I will look these models.This ad does a great job at marketing to a wide variety of girls. They include a variety of races and fashion styles. By including classic, edgy,glam,girly, and flirty, the magazine makes sure to advertise to different types of girls. They make sure that all kinds of girls will be able to look at this and say, I can wear this. The text, one here for every vibe, encourages that.

     This ad makes many assumptions. For example, it makes all girls look fun,girly,flirty, and beautiful. The main message is toward body image. All these girls are very thin and tall, at least 5'9. Girls with other body types are not represented in the add. All the girls are also very pretty.They have perfect skin and hair, well they seem to be perfect. We as consumers get the feeling, that if we buy those Macy's dresses, we will be able to look like the models in the ad. We will be happy and look prettier. Or, we can also get the feeling that if we don't look like the girls in the ad, we won't be able to pull off those dresses, and look just as great as them, and therefore have a great time. This ad makes us criticaly look at ourselves. Also since the prices of these dresses are between $60-$70, we assume that middle class girls to wealty class girls can wear this look.Seventeen really is trying to create the perfect image for a girl. It has all types of different sections. from beauty,fashion,health, and love life. All the ads it has shows tall, pretty, slender girls. This is what we have to be. It doesn't show the real side of girls.

          This ad, and magazine, make most girls unhappy with themselves. With the starting mentality that they are just brushing up on their fashion and beauty, makes girls in the end dislikes themselves. Girls get depressed, get eating eating disorders, and just feel unhappy. They really just want to look like these girls, no matter what it takes. They go to extremes. The don't love themselves for who they are and what really matters, what is in the inside. 

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